
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Create and maintain ideal weight-5 Errors

There are a plethora of articles, products and services to help people lose weight. However, within these strategies, there are five faults to create and maintain an ideal weight.

Going on a diet: fad diets don't work because they slow down your metabolism to snail's pace. The most effective way to lose and maintain your ideal weight is to nourish your body, not fame. Plan to eat six small, balanced meals a day. This accelerates the metabolism during breastfeeding your body the nutrients that it needs.

Self-destructive thinking thoughts: If you think consistently negative thoughts-"I just can't seem to lose weight no matter what you do", creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. The law of attraction in your life, what do you think consistently. Then, thinking only positive thoughts, healthy and successful. See yourself enjoying your body slim, healthy. The power of positive thinking creates what he desires. You'll be surprised how quickly you lose weight when you keep your mind focused on your health and fitness goals.

Eat "low fat" to work properly, the body, absolutely, positively must consume healthy omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil and flaxseed oil) each day. An estimate of 99.7% people are deficient in omega-3 fat burning fatty acids. The result is a metabolism occurred, unhealthy skin and hair, depression and burn fat. To optimize weight loss and weight maintenance, make sure you eat a cold water fish such as salmon at least 3 times a week or take a fish oil supplement omega-3 per day.

Consuming too many calories liquids: many people "eat right," ironically most not "drink right." We have become a high calorie drinks design company-soda, juice, tea/coffee flavored, wine and alcoholic beverages. Soda, not only adds calories, it leaches calcium and highly acidic. & id = 362261 to optimize your weight loss and maintain your ideal weight, drink only pure water and tea, sliming that will turbo-charge your weight loss efforts.

Do aerobic exercise: aerobic exercise is important. If you want to maximize fat loss, you must build the muscles lifting weights. Lean muscle is fat burning furnace primary of your body. If you have very little lean muscle, you will not maximize your fat burning efforts. Lifting at least three times a week.

Dorothy m. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, author, "101 ways to improve your life." Mind, body, spirit of healing and physical/sexual abuse prevention and recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for personal/professional growth and spiritual awakening.

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