
Sunday, December 25, 2011

As lost 27 pounds in 30 days! My weight loss story!


I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks that keep those pesky pounds off can feel like a mission impossible sometimes! For the last couple years, I was looking for diet after diet after diet. I was trying to lose weight that stubborn that just would not!

But nothing seemed to work for me! Not South Beach, Jenny Craig and definitely not Atkins diet! I enrolled in some fitness programs in my area. The problem with that was that I couldn't make enough time for them! But after all that, everything has finally changed for me. I finally managed to lose all the pounds that I needed to get rid of all the pounds I wanted after I discovered and began to use the two products that I have seen a doctor speak in a talk show several weeks before. He spoke of this incredible super food that came from Brazil. It was a similar size to the common grape Berry. Because of the many health benefits of this Berry, and has become known as a "superfruit" or "superfood". It contains all antioxidants, minerals and vitamins known to helps you lose weight fast!

The doctor has continued to speak and advised that people should eat berries and natural cleaning practice. He showed of case studies that showed that every person who followed this routine has finished to lose a significant amount of weight without having to slave away in the gym! Goodbye calorie count too! I knew I had to try this for me see if I could really muck down my chubby body. I found a site that offers free trials of products featuring the doctor, started a blog and started my diet. I was literally amazed at how quickly I lost weight. I did it without feeling tired and without feeling hungry! The Berry really helped me to get energy to last through the day while curb my appetite and keep me still in a good mood! My only regret is that he did not find this diet miracle soon. It would have saved me so much stress and physical and emotional pain if I had known this diet years ago. My favorite part on this diet is that it allowed me to lose 27 pounds to almost nothing! This is such a simple and powerful diet! What are you waiting for!

To learn more about how I lost 27 pounds in 30 days all you need to do is click here!

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Create and maintain ideal weight-5 Errors


There are a plethora of articles, products and services to help people lose weight. However, within these strategies, there are five faults to create and maintain an ideal weight.

Going on a diet: fad diets don't work because they slow down your metabolism to snail's pace. The most effective way to lose and maintain your ideal weight is to nourish your body, not fame. Plan to eat six small, balanced meals a day. This accelerates the metabolism during breastfeeding your body the nutrients that it needs.

Self-destructive thinking thoughts: If you think consistently negative thoughts-"I just can't seem to lose weight no matter what you do", creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. The law of attraction in your life, what do you think consistently. Then, thinking only positive thoughts, healthy and successful. See yourself enjoying your body slim, healthy. The power of positive thinking creates what he desires. You'll be surprised how quickly you lose weight when you keep your mind focused on your health and fitness goals.

Eat "low fat" to work properly, the body, absolutely, positively must consume healthy omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil and flaxseed oil) each day. An estimate of 99.7% people are deficient in omega-3 fat burning fatty acids. The result is a metabolism occurred, unhealthy skin and hair, depression and burn fat. To optimize weight loss and weight maintenance, make sure you eat a cold water fish such as salmon at least 3 times a week or take a fish oil supplement omega-3 per day.

Consuming too many calories liquids: many people "eat right," ironically most not "drink right." We have become a high calorie drinks design company-soda, juice, tea/coffee flavored, wine and alcoholic beverages. Soda, not only adds calories, it leaches calcium and highly acidic. & id = 362261 to optimize your weight loss and maintain your ideal weight, drink only pure water and tea, sliming that will turbo-charge your weight loss efforts.

Do aerobic exercise: aerobic exercise is important. If you want to maximize fat loss, you must build the muscles lifting weights. Lean muscle is fat burning furnace primary of your body. If you have very little lean muscle, you will not maximize your fat burning efforts. Lifting at least three times a week.

Dorothy m. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, author, "101 ways to improve your life." Mind, body, spirit of healing and physical/sexual abuse prevention and recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for personal/professional growth and spiritual awakening.

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As I've lost 31 pounds and counting-part i


Let me preface this series of articles to say that I am not a professional trainer, dietician or healthcare. I am just a writer and businessman who has decided that I needed to do something about my weight. I was not obese, but certainly was overweight and heading for clogged arteries and probably a heart attack, before I hit 50. What follows is what worked for me, and what I honestly think will work for anyone willing to commit mentally. The key is the commitment, and that is the hardest part.

There is no miracle diet, no big secret, and it cost me a dime. There are no pills, no monthly fee, no fancy diet books and no gym membership involved. All you need to do is change your thinking, set a goal, make a plan for how it will achieve that goal and commit 100 percent.

You must accept that losing weight is not like winning the lottery. Don't wake up the next day 30 pounds lighter. There is work involved, but not so much clothe you. If this is the weight loss as the lottery your chances of success are about the same. Slim to none and slim just left town.

I'm down 31 pounds and three sizes of waist (almost 4) in just over four months. Or, to put it another way I lost the equivalent of four litres of milk. Try carrying four litres of milk around all day. Becomes heavy fast. Those four months seemed a long way, but looking back it is truly remarkable that accomplished and far exceeded my original goal. As much as I like to think so, I'm not special. Anyone can do this, you too.

When I was a kid I was a skinny twig. When I was 17-18 years I would eat two double cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, French fries and a large regular Coke for lunch. Every day. I have never gained weight.

When I hit 23 years slowed down my metabolism. I also met the girl of my dreams, which is an amazing Cook. Fast forward ten years and that I had earned 71 kilos! In fact, it only took about four years to put on that 71 pounds. Did nothing for six years.

In February this year, I had that ugly influence that was around the country. I couldn't shake it, so I went to see a doctor. You weigh the way medical accurate scale. I couldn't believe that I weighed 206 pounds. For a man of 5 ' 10 "which isn't bad if you're a solid muscle and play running back for the Cleveland Browns. But, for a guy who is flabby and out of shape that is overweight.

I realized that the reason they are winded quickly climbing the stairs and the reason for the knee wasn't sore. It was weight. Something finally clicked in my mind and decided right then that I would lose weight. I did not know how.

My wife and I had just booked a trip to Las Vegas for our anniversary in May. My goal was to lose 15 pounds before he left. I had three months to do so. Honestly, I didn't think I could lose weight. By the time we left I was down 22 kilos! In the last month since we got back I dropped another 9 pounds. I had to buy all new pants because I dropped 3 dimensions of life.

I have a new goal to take off 10 more arrive at 165 pounds. Now that you know how to meet that goal.

So, the big question is how did do, right? People have asked me if I went on Weight Watchers or Nutri-System. They asked if I was on a low carb diet, a vegan diet, etc. The answer is I simply changed my mind and decided to do what it took to lose weight. I had a goal, and I committed to achieve this objective.

I call it unconventional thinking, but it is not all that radical. Common sense tells you that junk food is bad, eat foods that are best for you will be, well, better for you. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. I preach the conformist thinking in business all the time. Changing the paradigm, etc. It occurred to me that I needed to implement my ideas maverick to my health.

The first step was to decide on a starting date for eating better. You cannot decide just who eat better without a plan and a solid goal. About a week beforehand I decided I'd begin to eat better on 18 February, and I lost 15 pounds from 19 May. Then wrote the goal downwards and marked the calendar. I thought with about 12 weeks if I lost just about a pound or two every week that would meet my goal. I chose on Thursday morning as my weigh in-day each week. My rule was that I would just step on the scale Thursday morning. It would be a weekly chart my progress and hopes to stay on track.

During the next week I looked at the plate or wrapper I ate when I was done eating. The fat left on the plate is really serious. When you look really that it is rather ugly slime. It would be licking that plate? Of course it is disgusting. Then, I considered what I just ate was full of that shit. The end game. I couldn't put that in my body any longer.

From that moment on I had embedded in my mind that many of the foods I ate were simply junk, and the equivalent to eat from a trash can. This is what we wanted. I had to change the way that I thought of food. It was no longer on yummy Donuts as they are, or how much I liked enjoy a cheeseburger fatty. In fact I became angry towards those types of food. I started to think how utterly foolish is eating like garbage. I do not preach to others or to say it aloud, but when a fellow grabbed a doughnut or four at the Office I would think to myself, "what a weak". That was my motivation to not be tempted to cheat or fall off the wagon. If you want to call it cocky, but I'm down 31 pounds, my friend.Whatever it takes.

Then, set your goal and motivation. If you want to lose 20 pounds in a week you're going to be disappointed because it won't happen. That is an unrealistic goal. Make it a reasonable period of time, even if you think that is too long. It is better to shoot for the sky and reach for the stars that the other way around. Grab a calendar and write down your goal weight date. Then, figure out how many times you weigh and set reasonable reference parameters. Keep in mind you probably lose weight slow at first, then will drop faster, so progress could slow once before picking up again. Just as your goal, not set benchmarks have no chance to reach. You can only get discouraged and wants to quit. Never close, never ever stop.

In the second part I'll explain how I changed my eating habits to keep my daily calorie intake below 1500 calories, but still enjoy tasty foods.

See you tomorrow.

Ted Hebert is a writer and thinker Maverick, who works with businesses of all sizes to grow their business. Contact Ted or visit

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Maximum power with pure Acai Berry Max


Pure Acai Berry Max is a supplement for the thinning of your body and making it look better. Some of the more functional reactions in your body results in maximum weight loss may increase. Is full of antioxidants that keeps your body free from all the unwanted fats and special pieces for a better impression. Just take a tour of this amazing product. First, let's explore the additional benefits of the drug. In addition to sliming and cut your body, it also helps you in various ways. First, it props up to a good hair growth as deep-rooted components itself nourishes and determines the first one or two inch hair growth and density. Also maintains healthy hair healthy. It decelerates aging of your hair and stops for the graying of the same as it eliminates the free components.

Pure Acai Berry Max grew up a solution for all problems that the body leans because colon waste as comprising Resveratol, berries extracts and Aloe Vera. Resveratol is known as the best anti-aging Appendix as it is full of antioxidants that fight against all signs of aging. It is also a good remedy for loose skin and lower joints of the body. Berry Extract, the supplement is enriched with extracts of Acai berries that are believed to be the best remedy for excessive colon in the body. ACAI Berry provides the correct level of nutrition of the body. Aloe Vera extract is the magic that arouses really good skin textures and fights against skin aging very well. But the Aloe Vera should be used wisely and correctly measured. Pure Acai Berry Max has literally accumulates all these components in proportion.

Every good thing mixed up inside, it works much faster and better comparison for products that are now on the market. It will present a kind of sexy body and packed down Ass is all natural so it won't be seen effects. It is scientifically proven that Pure Acai Berry Max is a killer of natural fat and glucose metabolism of the body is drastically increased. Translates into health healthy digestive, heart and brain. Is really a wonder drug for low energy, a drug for overall health and Evergreen life gifts.



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7 safe and natural tips for a leaner and fitter you


Just when you think you've had enough of all those weight loss tips – every time you go online, guess what? There are still a lot more. If you are really serious and totally dedicated to reach the lifeline and the weight of the body that are dreaming, this may be your lucky day! This might be the best time to let you know that losing weight can also be done in safe and, of course, not to mention, low-cost ways. Enough with those hard budgetary diets, which more often than not fail.

And if you really can't afford expensive diet, or thinking of undergoing surgery, why not check this information and see for yourself. There are actually 7 safer and natural ways to get slim body and long form, always have. They are here.

Check out the calorie that enters your body. Calories are needed by our body, but the number of excess of them surely will not be good. Just make sure that you take everything in moderation. As much as possible, if you really want to lose weight and make it a natural thing, decrease the size of each intake of food that you will do. That doesn't mean that you have to die of starvation or something like that, only in moderation.

Change the way you usually eat. If you are not accustomed to, including fruit and vegetables into your daily meal, it's about time you do. It is also smart to regulate all taking fine and immediate, sugar and salt. It would be useful even if you take the time to read the labels of all that you are buying.

Drink plenty and plenty of water. This, without any further argument, it is essential for our health, if we're on a diet or not. It actually helps in flushing out toxins and waste and cleans your body too. Will do good to your kidney and bladder. Also the fact that it is very convenient.

However busy the day, any activity awaits, is a must that you eat slowly. Try to taste and enjoy what you are eating, feel pleasure when you bite and chew; and before you know it you'll realize that you feel full and satisfied already, so don't eat more. And before you eat really, why do you ask yourself first. You're really hungry that you really wanted to eat? Or are just eating before is 12 high noon and time to eat? There might also be times when all you feel was just thirsty rather than hunger and most of the time we often fraintenderlo we need.

While eating, try not to think of nothing distressing when you are eating. Because if you do, there might be a tendency to consume more, or worse that can give indigestion.

But then not ignore any meals either. Every meal of the day, actually. Diet does not mean not eating, you know. They have a heavy breakfast and then eat small meals, regular throughout your day. It would be good eating simple meals any one meal and then rather than a full-packed range.

And finally, always exercise. Maintaining that a fixed timetable for your daily work will not only keep your weight on the stand, but also do good for your body. The simple and easy procedure when done religiously will actually be a big pile in your effort to stay fit and slime.

Losing weight doesn't have to be an expensive ordeal and impossible. The key points to remember are moderation, dedication, commitment and the belief that you can definitely do.

Hal Johnson could write articles for almost 4 years. Come visit his latest website above that helps people find the best Sanyo Projector Lamps and the information they are looking for, when their DLP projector or lamp goes out.

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