
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weight loss excuses and how to use it


It can be very hard to loose weight, a little or a lot. That's why we often make excuses for why we haven't lost any weight yet. The sad truth is, though, that we are holding ourselves.†back from losing the weight we want and from getting healthier if we keep finding excuses. We really should not let weight loss excuses get in the way of our success.

Let's have a look at the most used weight loss excuses and see how to beat them so we can overcome them and finally lose the weight we want and start feeling better!

Excuse # 1 - choosing and preparing healthier food will take more time

Are you making the excuse that you don't have enough time to make healthy eating choices? Ask yourself another question. Do you have time to get sick? Taking time to choose healthier food and adding the extra little bit of time it might take to prepare isn't just important for losing weight. Your overall health will benefit from it, too. You should always have time to make and follow through with choices that keep you healthy.

Excuse #2 - I do not like exercising and it takes too much time out of my day

Many people don't like to exercise. For them exercise is strenuous and takes a lot of effort. And its true, the more you weigh, the harder exercise gets. But it is just as important to get are trying to loose moving if you weight. Many people use the excuse that they do not like to exercise. Well - simply to get your metabolism firing and burning those calories you have to get active.

WalkingAnd really, the excuse about taking too much time... I believe anybody can find 30 minutes a day to go for a brisk walk. Even if it's with a pram, or in your backyard, just get out and do it. I had a while when I got up at 5:30 in the every morning and went for a walk with my dogs, because I could't not fit it in my day otherwise. It is possible! So it is a fact that 30 minutes a day of exercise will help you lose extra weight and improve your overall health.

Still If you have a problem with "exercising" per se, just focus on doing something active that you enjoy. Have fun outside with your kids - they will love you for it or be more active by making different choices during the day:

Take the stairs every time you have a choice.Park the car further away from the shops when you go shopping.Walk or cycle everywhere possible.See housework like vacuuming and cleaning as exercise - it can really burn calories! (Tip: I put my ipod in my ear and listen to my favorite music when doing it, it makes me feel more energized, I work faster and get more done!)

Excuse #3 - I'm not a very good cook, especially when it comes to preparing healthy food

You should not let the fact that you can't cook or do not like to cook get in the way of your weight loss. These days, if you don't know how to cook there are fortunately many healthy choices you can make in the supermarket. It is easier than ever to find healthy, already prepared snacks or meals in the stores. It can be easy to cook (or microwave ;-) ) up a healthy storm! Here in our supermarkets you can get brands like healthy choice, lean cuisine and other brands that actually button quite nice. So no excuses!;-)

Excuse #4 - I need my sweets, I can't live without them

SweetsContrary to what you might think, it is OK to have some sweets even if you are trying to loose weight. If you have been sweet foods as "bad", you have to stop. Otherwise you will feel guilty when eating them, and that can be detrimental to your weight loss. Instead, embrace sweets, allow yourself to have some occasionally and just limit your intake. If you allow yourself some sweets occasionally and in a controlled manner, like just a small amount of dark chocolate every night, you want much easier find it to stick to your improved eating habits since you don't force yourself into a diet that you find very hard to keep up.

So look for ways to lighten favorite sweets recipes to make them healthier for you. Loving sweets is not to excuse not to loose weight - see it as a challenge to incorporate and adapt your favorite sweets into your new and improved eating habits!

Excuse #5 - I feel sabotaged all the time

If your family and / or friends don't it well take you seriously or mean and keep offering you food that you should not eat, do not despair. There still is help and support available!

First you should try and talk to your family / friends and make them understand what this losing weight means to you, and how much it would mean to you if they start to support your decision for a healthier life.  Ask for their understanding and support. Most of the time, they will get it.

But if you still need more support, you can therefore go online – there are many weight loss support sites and forums where you can share your experiences with others, connect with like minded people and find help.

Excuse #6 - I have to eat out a lot

Even if you have to eat out a lot, it doesn't mean it will counteract your weight loss, and you should certainly not make it to excuse for not losing weight. There are so many restaurants these days that offer healthy, low carb and / or low fat food alternatives, you can easily start making food choices that will help you loose weight. Healthy choices are meals with chicken or fish, and less noodles, potatoes or rice. Make sure you drink a lot of water with your meals, most complimentary restaurants offer water (at least here in Australia).

Excuse #7 - I Have to cook meals for the whole family

I have been through this, always thinking that I can't possibly start to cook different meals for everybody. But you know what? Just cook the meal you have planned for you for your whole family! Make the meals you all love with healthy substitutes. I for example have recently swapped pasta for wholemeal pasta and rice for brown rice, but I still try and avoid those carbohydrates all together. Not only will you loose weight, but you'll help keep your family healthy too.

I hope these tips to deal with weight-loss excuses will give you the power to overcome what is holding you back in losing weight. I would't love to hear from any of you about what you have tried and what has helped!

Incidentally, it IS my tummy in the picture on the top :-) I saw a picture of a beautiful flat tummy with the writing on it on dreamstime, and I thought "I can do that myself"! -Just with a rounder tummy! It is what is actually pretty hard to write that on my stomach, looking down from the top trying to figure out how the writing goes...

Petra Signature

Tags: featured, help with weight loss excuses weight loss excuses

Category: Weight loss challenges

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Coca-Cola to combat obesity?


Did you see already the latest Coca-Cola display? Whether you believe it or not, coke actually might have taken a step in the right direction with this! It is a 2-minute commercial for Cola drinks, focusing on the consciousness for the beverages you consume calories and it aims to the encounter of people comes to in the fight against obesity.

Coca-Cola, the largest beverage company in the world, really does have an important role in this struggle. Millions of people use their products every day and obesity with excessive amounts of calories per day taken up directly was connected. It seems like a big step in the right direction to clear awareness for the caloric content of drinks that you consume, and to that there are many alternative beverages that contain far fewer calories.

This time, as you can imagine, the opinions are very divided. It seems superficially like Coke is a good thing with this display, but many people condemn no concern for the health and the happiness of its consumers, as just another way to make even more profit.

I will post just the video here and let your own mind to have! You can also head over to YouTube and watch, to say what others have!

Personally, I think it is a good move for Coke to come and do a display like this. Sure, that not the calorie content can certain soft drinks and its association with obesity awareness and more focus on less calorie drinks to a healthier weight to keep damage. I'm not sure about the topic of aspartame, but for me I found that I not anxious to eliminate enough diet soft drinks from my diet completely. I mean, the most I've ever had was 2 cans a day. I have days when I drink none at all. But most days, I find, if I can cravings for something sweet, in the evening a diet soda help me to satisfy her and prevent that me grabbed chocolate get a table.

I've tried diet coke and Coke zero, and I know better like Coke zero, I think, it has a fuller flavor. But you know what? The one that is most like me is still "Pepsi MAX";-)

Which soft-drink habits do you have?

Petra Signature

Tags:Coke, commercials, obesity

Category: healthy diet weight-loss info, Uncategorized

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Take off in your sleep

Lose Weight In Your SleepSlender sleep Smoothie

Lose weight in your sleep - that sounds too good to be true? Now, you've probably heard that it normally!

But obviously not this - is there a way that you can hold literally sleep losing weight! How to questions you?

Simply - there is a drink that you can have at night, keep you metabolism firing all night while you sleep. And we all know that a fire metabolism actually burns calories!

This is a recipe that website has been released on the Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz has great weight loss tips for everyone constantly and is very large with healthy feed.

This is a recipe for a smoothie (called "smoothie sleep slim"), which actually helps you sleep and promote metabolism at night, therefore helps your body to shed unwanted fat so that you lose weight in your sleep. Now is this not an attempt worth?

Here is the recipe on the Web site of Dr. OZ:

1 Cup tart cherry juice
1/2 Banana
1/2 Cup of soy milk or soy yogurt 4-6 oz (if soy yogurt, add an additional 1/2 cup fat-free milk)
5 Ice cubes
1/4 Teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Combine the cherry juice, banana, milk, or yogurt with non-fat milk, ice and vanilla in a blender. Mix until smooth.

Tart cherry juice is full of antioxidants and very healthy. Here are some of the ingredients that you will need for your sleep slim Smoothie:

And here is a video of how to make the very beneficial tart cherry juice, which is:

With this recipe, you can sleep through the night, courtesy of Dr. Michael Breus, PhD, the sleep doctor keep your metabolism burning . Cherries are a good source of the sleep hormone melatonin. Recent studies have shown that melatonin may help to reverse the effects of aging. The bananas, the ingredient in this Smoothie contain lots of magnesium, which helps to soothe the body. The soy milk used in this recipe is high on tryptophan, an amino acid is known that bed move. So - here is a great nights sleep!

Tags: healthy eating, lose weight in your sleep, recipes

Category: Recipes, weight loss strategies

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Discovered the secret of weight loss! (Funny)


I found finally solved, previously the problem with weight loss and why I still not lost yet-ich wish to weight I would!;-)

Weight Loss Secret

Tags:Funny weight loss secret

Category: Fun

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The truth about models - why they so are thin!


Hi stumbled after a busy day, just before I wanted to bed I a laughter - a video share I on YouTube today. It's 'The truth about models' - the real reason why they are so thin!

So, I think girls, that we should propose to much more, they finally have a literally "suck" Lipo advantage!;-)


Tags: easy weight loss, truth about models

Category: Fun

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Food to eat, to lose belly fat


Foods to eat to lose belly fat is always a winner! Finally, the abdomen is very often the first part of the body where we fat store and often also very difficult to get rid of. Of course we all know that the best way to lose belly fat with a healthy diet and some exercise. But if you want to speed up your weight loss along, try to include some of these foods in your meals. You can not only help you to reduce your cravings, but increase your metabolism.

These are the main foods that are known to help lose belly fat; They are really healthy and to be included in a diet:


Foods to eat to lose belly fatApples are a fantastic meal, you lose belly fat helps! They are super easy to wear, as a snack between meals. You heard the food group also called "negative calorie foods" (which basically means that digestion of food needed finally balance contains more calories than the food in a "negative calories",) that's great! And they have many fiber (especially, if you eat the skin, you have to eat the skin!) and fill you!

I know also as the fact that they super fast - man not eat as you can all the more slowly you eat, the better!


MushroomsMushrooms have - been connected apart from very low in calories - also a lot of vitamin D. vitamin D weight loss in many studies. People who have smaller waists often to supplement their diet with more vitamin D and seem able to lose weight not enough in their diet to be faster than those. And, you guessed it, maybe - they are also on the list of negative calorie food!

Leafy vegetables

Leafy GreensYes, that is right, who would have thought that leafy vegetables are really great food to eat to lose belly fat? (I think you know I'm kidding ;-) ). We told to eat our Green, always during our childhood, and it was actually really good advise! Leafy vegetables are powerful foods, which help to detoxify your body and promote, to avoid fat. A build-up of toxins in the body means excess fat, especially around the abdomen.  If you helps a lot of green food green and green vegetables to your body eliminate unwanted toxins and therefore unwanted fat.


Foods to eat to lose belly fatQuinoa is known as a full grain, protein, fibre, B vitamins and complex carbohydrates in one combined. Food grains such as quinoa will help to promote the metabolism and burn belly fat faster. Why not eat quinoa for breakfast, instead of grain, and the day started right on your way to the belly fat lose? Quinoa is also full of hunger with fewer calories, and you fight protein, if you enjoy your day with quinoa for fully avoid over eating on your other meals.

Lean protein

Lean ProteinOne of the best food is lean protein to eat to lose belly fat. Studies have shown that getting enough lean protein is essential if you want to lose weight. It promote the metabolism and it will run even in calm times will hold, and keeps you for more (such as quinoa) so that you will eat less. High in lean protein foods take more work to digest metabolism, which means that your body will burn more calories when she processed. Much lean protein food launches sure to solve your belly fat.

By Schlüsselindizierte

MUFAsShort for mono-unsaturated fatty acids, Schlüsselindizierte's are essentially the "good" fats in your body. It contributes to the reduction of bad cholesterol in your body and time, which increase the amount of good cholesterol. A nutrition rich can help belly fat to MUFAs much better than a carbohydrate diet, even without any exercise!

There are many sources of MUFAs; Here is a list of 5 of the best one's out there:

1 Olives
2. Nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts, peanuts)
3 Avocados
4. Oils (olive oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil)
5. Dark chocolate (score!)

It is primarily to eliminate bad FAT and replacing them with good fat. But always remember that even a diet with much MUFAs should be still a calorie controlled diet. A diet that contains many MUFAs is, for example, the Mediterranean diet.

I found another great article on foods to eat to lose belly fat on Glamour magazine.

I know what I'm going to do - smooth, pantry and refrigerator with the right foods, finally my belly fat mean get rid of! Happy healthy eating!

Petra Signature

Tags:Recommended, flat belly, food to eat, abdominal fat, healthy food, lose lose belly fat, MUFAs

Category: healthy diet weight loss info

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What happened to Petra?


This is just a very quick post so that you all know that I have not lost from the planet! I had a long time where I had to keep busy and not drive too much on my blog post, but I hope that this is now over and I can jump back soon!

We are starting today for a five-day holiday to Jurien Bay (shall we to leave in an hour, but I don't think we do it!), and I'll fully stuck into it again when we get back. Please stay with me until then!

We are pleased to join with all of you!

Petra Signature

Category: Announcements

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Nectarine and raspberry juice


Nectarine and Raspberry JuiceI have this delicious Nectarine and raspberry juice on Pinterest, courtesy of vanilla and lace @ blogspot, search and after ABI (the owner of the blog ;-) ) it is the best juice ever quite creamy and probably the best thing you've ever eaten!

It is really easy to make. You need:

2 nectarines1 Cup raspberries (if you fresh can't find, I'd think you those can easily be frozen)

and just run it through your juicer! Oh - and ABI beats that do not throw away the pulp, but to shoveling it in a bowl give and freezing. Sounds like a delicacy keeps summary to me!

Nectarines Nectarines are a similar fruit, peaches, and if you are not sure which is the main difference only to consider that have outer skin: nectarines smooth skin and the peaches have fuzzy skin, which some people love and others hate. Nectarines are also usually smaller than peaches, and they bruise more easily. Here you will find many, many varieties of nectarines on the market (more than 100, actually!), and they are "Freestone" either or "clingstone". As the name implies, "Freestone" means that the meat slightly, away from the pit is, while "specially" means that it is sticking to the pit. Now, Freestone those seems the way to go!;-)

Nectarines (44 calories per 100 g) are naturally low in calories and contain no saturated fatty acids-they are free from grease! They are very healthy and full of antioxidants, the free radical activity in your body, to promote the general health and help in the prevention of diseases to counteract. Nectarines are also cholesterol-free and contain vitamin C, which helps to get your body to a healthy immune system. They are a good source of vitamin A, beta-carotene and potassium.

Basically! don't you eat more of them wrong

RaspberriesRaspberries are one of natures of superfoods! You are a super tasty and healthy addition to your diet and can in many recipes (one of my favorites is the much-beloved vanilla ice cream with hot raspberries and whipped cream - so easy and so YUM!) be used. Raspberries are literally on overload with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

Enjoy it fresh, or you have the option of not fresh to buy them they typically also stored frozen in supermarkets and have many health benefits. The raspberry seeds contain oil, which has a natural sun protection factor and is known for its cancer-fighting and prevention properties. They contain many antioxidants and lots of vitamin c.

Raspberries are also very good for you, if you are trying to lose weight. Because they contain many dietary fiber and manganese, they help slow down the digestive process, so that you feel fuller for more, and they raise your metabolism also hold, which means that you will burn more fat.

What is not to love?

Happy juicing!

Oh - you should try with Amazon's no. 1 juicer juicing:

Tags: marked, fruit juice, healthy drinks, juice

Category: healthy diet, recipes

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